Viết Về Công Việc Yêu Thích Bằng Tiếng Anh

Oh, hell yeah! It’s gonna be fun since I am writing everything in Vietnamese. Now this, I am gonna write this post in English.

Khi các bạn bắt đầu viết tiếng Anh, các bạn sẽ cảm nhận được bạn đang thiếu trầm trọng một vốn từ vựng. Bạn cần một vốn từ vựng thật phong phú để có thể diễn đạt được mọi điều mà bạn mong muốn.

One thing, it’s fun writing in English, but it’s not gonna be fun anymore when you dig deeper into the what called writing business. You probably will understand that getting an IELTS of 7.0 is totally nothing to be bragging around. But here I’ve come to write my first post in English on this website. Yikes! About what?

Writing about my favorite job in English.


Wrong, probably thoughts of an ugly face, counting the clock, and yet, never ends their jobs.

Hãy nhớ rằng khi các bạn bắt đầu viết Tiếng Anh, đừng bao giờ cố gắng “nghĩ” ra từ để trả lời cho câu hỏi “ Viết về công việc yêu thích của bạn bằng Tiếng Anh”

I don’t know what the hell can it be “favorite job”, but it’s should be sometimes with the jobs that I’ve been through.

I used to work in a big, probably the biggest Taiwanese corporate in Vietnam, and you know my duty ended when my Mandarin Chinese got better. Things should be change all the time, just almost like the earth evolving around the sun.

Back then, I was working in a factory, nope, exactly, a under construction place, where I learn more right after graduation. Then I left.

By the way, dear little friends who have this question, there is no such a “favorite job” but there is such of that “work” in the job. Don’t know yet? Visit my another post on “Phân biệt sự khác nhau giữa work và job”.

Oh yeah, I started working for a Singaporean corporate specifically doing an IT business after the construction place job.

Unbelievable me, but here the story goes. I say, I quit my job, then go ahead with a new plan, new schedule, and other things.

Believe it or not, I’ve got no, exactly not much knowledge in IT, and I did spend 5 hours daily learning it since I was in the first corporation. Nobody knows what I do, they only see me learning up until 3 AM.

I guessed that was a gap-fill then. It’s like when you do a reading English exercise, then your duty is do the gap-filling. Remember that word huh?.

Now, I am building one website, all are written in English. I can see its light, but it needs more fights. Till now, I am working and wants to work harder since the something is still a favorite one – Writing to share what I’ve known so far then.

I love to see this HocTiengAnh24h having a small section of English news. It could be a tech blog, and I am getting it over a decision to make.

By the way, read on! And there is not even a job called “favorite job”. If yes, ask your teacher to gap-fill the question.

5 Mẫu Đoạn Văn Tiếng Anh Về Công Việc Yêu Thích


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1 Response

  1. August 22, 2016

    […] viết một đoạn văn về công việc yêu thích trong Tiếng Anh là một chủ đề (topic) mà có lẽ ở nhiều nhà trường, thầy cô luôn đặt ra câu hỏi như vậy. Ở […]

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